When downloading any patches below, you are downloading directly from EA’s servers. These are the patches used to manually update your game. The Superpatch and other patches listed below are official patches hosted directly on the EA servers. Check with your modding community for updates post patch.
❗ Remember to Remove Custom Content and MODS before updating. The following description of the English-language updates: Updated messaging server. The number 1.67.2 Patch for the game The Sims 3. XCAS core mod: more tattoo locations, edit naked outfit, slider hack, body hair, more - update 5/23/16 Steam version added. I can increase the slider range for sims sliders, but is that also possible for pet sliders?My cat doesnt have eyes the size of platers, but definitely bigger than the max eye size EA gave us to work with x3. Is there a mod that can see witch mods that I have put in because I have put height sliders and others in it and taking them out again and the effects are still there because when I make a sim teen they are ok but when you randomise them and go back and then go back to the one before their look just like audits and other things like big heads.
17 comments to S3Z’s Increased Slider Limit Hack / Jonha’s SliderHack. Non-Default Skins for Sims 3! S3Z’s Increased Slider Limit Hack / Jonha’s.