At the top of that page is a link to the Mininet-WiFi manual, which is currently hosted at. Please refer to the Mininet-WiFi documentation for up-to-date information about this project. Some of the information in this post may be outdated and no longer accurate. (Updated October 20, 2017) Since I wrote this post two years ago, the Mininet-WiFi developers have continued to add a lot of functionality to Mininet-WiFi.
In this post, I describe the unique functions available in the Mininet-WiFi network emulator and work through a few tutorials exploring its features. So, Mininet-WiFi adds new functionality and still supports all the normal SDN emulation capabilities of the standard Mininet network emulator. The Mininet-WiFi extended the base Mininet code by adding or modifying classes and scripts. They also added classes to support the addition of these wireless devices in a Mininet network scenario and to emulate the attributes of a mobile station such as position and movement relative to the access points.
The Mininet-WiFi developers extended the functionality of Mininet by adding virtualized WiFi stations and access points based on the standard Linux wireless drivers and the 80211_hwsim wireless simulation driver. Mininet-WiFi is a fork of the Mininet SDN network emulator.